Vi avslutar ?terbesöket med en lunch p? Värdshuset Hwitan, sjuttonhundratalsg?rden som ligger bredvid Grand bHotel/b vid floden Ätran. Carl-Johan pekar p? Grand bHotels/b inglasade veranda, där begravningskaffet för Viktor Kunzelmann hölls. ...
To Naqvi's left, about 50 skyscrapers rise above the desert city, where thousands of cranes work on $200 billion of real estate projects, according to HSBC Holdings Plc, Europe's largest bank. Sprawling to his right are the palace, ...
The real estate downturn has threatened development along the corridor, and the new parks, skinny and hemmed in by busy three-lane surface roads, present their own hurdles. Lackluster fund-raising and other obstacles have stalled plans ...